MariaCristina Teot
From me – for you
Through my many years of experience as a medium and my connections to multidimensional worlds, I offer a space where growth, healing, and personal development are possible. I am here to accompany you on your journey to deeper insights and an expanded perception.
I connect the worlds. Whether it’s the energies of the deceased, the wisdom of nature, the vibrations of cosmic realms, or your own Higher Self, I support you in recognizing these connections and integrating them into your life.

Why Do I Call Myself
Multidimensional Communicator?
When I speak of multidimensionality, I mean the communication, mediation, translation, and interpretation of information between different frequencies and vibrations. In doing so, I work with the energy of the deceased, other subtle energies, nature with all its living beings and elements—such as animals, plants, stones, and the element that is especially important to me: water. I also connect with the cosmic realms, celestial bodies, and star beings.
Even as a child, I was highly sensitive and mediumistic. When I began consciously training these “abilities” in my twenties, I found it difficult to call myself a *medium or healer. These terms were often burdened with projections, expectations, and limitations. However, they helped people form an idea of my work. So, I publicly called myself a “medium” because I couldn’t think of a better term. A deep spiritual experience related to Egypt inspired me in 2018 to call myself a “Multidimensional Communicator”—a term that still fits me perfectly today.
*A medium is an intermediary instrument or tool. In Spiritualism, a medium is a person who communicates with the deceased and the spiritual world.
Inspired by my Higher Self and my spiritual team, I began my journey as a self-employed, professional medium in 2010. Alongside my own experiences, I had the opportunity to gather a treasure trove of valuable experiences for eight years as an interpreter for various renowned British mediums. Two years prior, while working full-time as a management assistant with a federal certificate, I led mediumistic and sensitive workshops.
I continuously deepen my knowledge through literature and self-study to best support and accompany people on their spiritual path.

You Can Share Energy Spaces with Me:
Dear MariaCristina,
From the heart and with deep gratitude for our connection and experiences, I write this to you:
Through a mutual acquaintance, I became aware of your spiritual work and calling. After years of mourning, suffering due to certain circumstances, after overthinking, questioning myself and my surroundings, I finally gathered the courage. Through your offerings, I found a platform to embrace my personal life story, connected with that of my ancestors. With your sensitive guidance, I was able to embark on the journey towards myself. Often it was painful, yet it was deeply healing, liberating, truthful, honest, and also joyfully grateful. The way you convey information to me is always gentle yet clear, which I deeply appreciate!
In spiritual consultations, mediumship sessions, spirit weekends, and experience evenings, I was able to grow, as well as encounter many heartfelt and benevolent connections.
The gift I gave myself with your guidance is invaluable – heartfelt thanks for that!
Franziska, 28.08.2024
With this, I take the opportunity to thank you, dear Cristina Teot, from the bottom of my heart ❤. You were the first soul/woman/medium who conveyed messages to me from the spiritual world and provided so many important tips and guidance for my life journey. You saw so much more in me back then than I saw in myself. I was just about to turn 33, curious, yet not quite ready to accept and understand. At least I listened, and something within me was cracked open 😊🥰. Luckily, we recorded that session, and when I listen to it now, I am speechless because, as I approach 40, I finally understand almost everything you conveyed to me back then with such immense value 🙏😊. I could never have imagined at the time that I would one day guide and counsel people on their own paths (even though you confronted me with this idea back then, I was full of ???). And today, after taking many steps, I find myself exactly on this path, in the present moment 🙏🥰❤. I am so happy and endlessly grateful for all of this, for myself, for my journey, and for you, as you were the spark 🔥 for the greatest and most profound changes in my life 🙏. Heartfelt thanks in “eternal love” to you, Sister 👑 of Light ⭐. You wonderful multidimensional being, who has long since arrived and lives in the multidimensionality, long before I even knew what it was, and that we all are 😅. I LOVE YOU 😊🙏😘❤. This unique footprint you have left on me comes from another time and will last forever, as I can now experience 😊🙏 — blissful.
Jenny Bertschinger, 20.10.2022
Heart to Heart Testimonals
It was a privilege and an honour to experience a psychic reading with Cristina. First off her energy is amazing, very nurturing, ancient and powerful all rolled into one.
Her connection with Spirit is strong and she was right on target with her visions, and what Spirit spoke to her.
She gave me great insight and confirmation to assist me on my path. What she spoke brought happy tears to my eyes and peace to my heart.
I loved sharing space with Cristina and the reading was spot on and brought me joy and wisdom.
I’m filled with gratitude and will treasure the experience.
Love you very much!
Aaliyah November 2020
Do you have any questions?
Do you have questions, or are you ready to dive deeper into your multidimensional, spiritual journey? Don't hesitate to take the first step and connect with me. Together, we can find the answers you're looking for.