My Offer
A session with me can give you a deep, energetic connection and experience with yourself. I offer you my many years of multidimensional experiences, my mediumistic and psychic gifts, and above all, my life experience in the Field.

Heart to Heart
Is about your personal, spiritual and multidimensional unfoldment.
Evidential Reading
A connection with departed loved ones to find comfort and answers.
Is an Energy Room for Meditation
We connect Heart to Heart AND
We hold a silent sacred space.

Workshops and Seminars
At Experience Evenings, in the Consciousness Space, or online during a CoffeeChat. I am at your side on your profound journey toward YOUR multidimensional growth
Heart and Soul of Egypt
Next Journey through Egypt’s Heart and Soul
Energetic, Spiritual, Multidimensional
from me
As a multidimensional communicator and clairsentient medium, I open doors to multidimensional worlds and guide you into an energy field full of power and love. With my deep connection to these realms and my inner guidance, combined with compassion and an open heart, I offer you valuable insights and the opportunity to discover the hidden facets of your being.
Let’s embark together on a fulfilling journey that will enrich your life with new perspectives and touch your heart.
Dear MariaCristina,
From the heart and with deep gratitude for our connection and experiences, I write this to you:
Through a mutual acquaintance, I became aware of your spiritual work and calling. After years of mourning, suffering due to certain circumstances, after overthinking, questioning myself and my surroundings, I finally gathered the courage. Through your offerings, I found a platform to embrace my personal life story, connected with that of my ancestors. With your sensitive guidance, I was able to embark on the journey towards myself. Often it was painful, yet it was deeply healing, liberating, truthful, honest, and also joyfully grateful. The way you convey information to me is always gentle yet clear, which I deeply appreciate!
In spiritual consultations, mediumship sessions, spirit weekends, and experience evenings, I was able to grow, as well as encounter many heartfelt and benevolent connections.
The gift I gave myself with your guidance is invaluable – heartfelt thanks for that!
Franziska, 28.08.2024
It is not my practice to reach out to ‚readers‘. I know that others will ‚hear‘ from the unseen field of unlimited intelligence in words/concepts that I do not. So, the value of being open to those voices.
Last week I felt that I would like to hear from those beyond sight through my friend, Maria Cristina Teot
It was very helpful! I found her presence very professional with a lot of integrity around her gift into the spiritual worlds.
A BIG thanks for all that came in my awareness and conversations.
Sharon Riegie Maynard Radical Mystic Shawoman
~ Touching the Stars With Feet Solidly on Planet Earth
With this, I take the opportunity to thank you, dear Cristina Teot, from the bottom of my heart ❤. You were the first soul/woman/medium who conveyed messages to me from the spiritual world and provided so many important tips and guidance for my life journey. You saw so much more in me back then than I saw in myself. I was just about to turn 33, curious, yet not quite ready to accept and understand. At least I listened, and something within me was cracked open 😊🥰. Luckily, we recorded that session, and when I listen to it now, I am speechless because, as I approach 40, I finally understand almost everything you conveyed to me back then with such immense value 🙏😊. I could never have imagined at the time that I would one day guide and counsel people on their own paths (even though you confronted me with this idea back then, I was full of ???). And today, after taking many steps, I find myself exactly on this path, in the present moment 🙏🥰❤. I am so happy and endlessly grateful for all of this, for myself, for my journey, and for you, as you were the spark 🔥 for the greatest and most profound changes in my life 🙏. Heartfelt thanks in “eternal love” to you, Sister 👑 of Light ⭐. You wonderful multidimensional being, who has long since arrived and lives in the multidimensionality, long before I even knew what it was, and that we all are 😅. I LOVE YOU 😊🙏😘❤. This unique footprint you have left on me comes from another time and will last forever, as I can now experience 😊🙏 — blissful.
Jenny Bertschinger, 20.10.2022
Do you have any questions?
Do you have questions, or are you ready to dive deeper into your multidimensional, spiritual journey? Don't hesitate to take the first step and connect with me. Together, we can find the answers you're looking for.